

有超过 33.5 million Americans now spending more than they make 超过61%的人靠薪水过活, financial literacy is more critical than ever for kids to learn.

在孩子们小的时候教他们推荐正规买球平台金钱的知识, you’re laying the foundation for their future financial understanding. Children who grow up in households that emphasize the importance of financial literacy early and encourage them to save and spend thoughtfully, 更有可能 培养健康的金钱态度. Teaching your kids about money won’t always be easy conversations to have, 但你不必一个人去做. 我们是来帮忙的.  


金融知识指的是 基本的财务概念和技能. 其中包括知道什么是钱, 理解金钱的价值, 学习如何负责任地使用债务和信用, 在银行开户, 制定并坚持预算, 攒钱, 识别需求和欲望, 和成本比较项目和服务.

这些都是成年人必备的技能, but they can be overwhelming for young children who are just learning about money for the first time. For children in kindergarten to 5th grade, financial literacy begins with the basics. 

Young student in a yellow shirt is looking at their father holding a pink piggy bank


If you are worried about getting started too early with money management lessons, know that children begin to develop an understanding of many basic financial concepts when they are 年仅三岁. 例如,到三岁时,大多数孩子都有一些 对价值的理解; 虽然并不总是在金钱方面. 

You can jumpstart your child’s financial literacy journey by first explaining what “money” is and how money is used in terms they can understand and through simple examples, 如: 

  • 收入 用钱来交换某物 (比如做家务)

  • Saving and counting money so that your child starts learning how to keep track of their money, 确保安全, 了解他们把钱花在什么地方了

  • Planning for major moments, such buying a gift for someone’s birthday

  • 买他们喜欢的东西 需要和他们想要的东西

这些资金管理和 金融知识对话 和你的孩子在一起很重要吗. 你可以编织这些对话 融入你的日常活动中.  


Money management can be taught to kids in a way that is accessible—and fun —even at a young age.


竞争和 游戏化 是帮助孩子记忆信息的好方法吗. So, try playing games with your children that revolve around finances, 比如《推荐正规买球平台》或《推荐正规买球平台》, 帮助你的孩子学习 预算的重要性 为将来存钱. 

Give Your Kids an Allowance and the Freedom to Spend It

只要你的孩子理解了钱的基本概念, start giving them a small weekly allowance in exchange for doing chores. 

An allowance will offer your children invaluable firsthand experiences. 他们会明白他们的工作是有价值的, 他们会看到储蓄的回报, and they’ll experience the risks of making impulsive spending decisions.


Learning to save is an essential life skill that will build discipline and demonstrate the virtues of delaying gratification, 目标设定, 和储蓄. 甚至还没到可以开银行账户的年龄, you can help your kids get in the habit of 攒钱 by giving them a piggy bank or other safe place where they can deposit their allowances. They can even decorate their “banks” with pictures of what they’d like to buy with their money someday, which encourages them to set goals and work toward those goals. Also, this is a fun way of counting money for kids that makes money management feel real to them.


When you take your child shopping for something that they want to buy with their own money, consider guiding your child to look at similar items and help them compare the items’ prices and qualities. There’s a fine balance between helping your kids make educated spending decisions and micromanaging your child’s spending. Model the spending behavior you would like to see, but still let them make their own decisions.


Once your kids are old enough to understand what credit and debt are, consider allowing them to borrow small amounts of money from you against their allowances when there’s something they want to buy that they cannot wait to save up for. You could even negotiate how much they’ll need to pay you back out of their allowance each week. Remember to keep track of the remaining balance until the debt is repaid. This will teach them the realities of handling debt and the value of saving and budgeting.


Although it may feel uncomfortable to talk to your kids about money, money management skills learned at an early age can have a lasting impact on the rest of your kids’ lives. 甚至 造型 (and explaining) the financial behaviors that you want to see in your children can help get them started on their financial literacy journey.

另外,请记住,你并不孤单. 我们是 来帮忙. If you’re interested in getting more involved in your children’s education, then visit 推荐正规买球平台® 了解更多推荐正规买球平台推荐正规买球平台虚拟学校的信息.

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