

7月是 残疾骄傲月, a time to honor the history, achievements, experiences, and struggles of people with disabilities. 

残疾是否被看到, 比如一个人坐轮椅的时候, 或者看不见的, 比如发育迟缓或心理健康问题, people with disabilities are celebrating their uniqueness and showing what they can accomplish with a little accommodation and a lot of support. 

But while we have come a long way since Roosevelt felt compelled to hide his wheelchair, there is still a long way to go to help people with disabilities and learning challenges realize their full potential, 尤其是K-12教育.


To help students with disabilities, Congress passed the legislation called Public Law 94-142 in 1975. 1990年,它后来更名为 《推荐正规买球平台》(IDEA Part B)  在1990年和2004年再次修订. IDEA provides federal funding to support services for children ages 3-21名残疾人. 通过想法, 国家和公共机构提供早期干预, 特殊教育, 及相关服务. 3-21名残疾人. 通过想法, 国家和公共机构提供早期干预, 特殊教育, 及相关服务. 

IDEA requires schools to provide students with disabilities and special needs the necessary services, 为支持他们的学习而提供的住宿和修改.  

Some students with disabilities can learn in traditional brick-and-mortar schools. Some have turned to online schools for a high-quality education that meets their unique learning needs.



Online school can empower students with disabilities and help them overcome the barriers present in many brick-and-mortar schools to help them reach their full potential. Here are five ways online school can help students with disabilities and other learning challenges thrive.

1. 灵活的课程安排

有特殊需要的学生, 心理健康挑战, or chronic illnesses often have many appointments scheduled throughout the week during a normal school day, 导致他们错过了很多预定的上课时间. 

网上学校录取 灵活的调度, giving students the ability to complete schoolwork around their appointments. 如果学生有慢性疾病, they can work ahead when they feel well so they don’t fall behind when they need treatment. 

“我的有特殊需要的孩子每周接受三次治疗, 以及每周的其他活动,爱荷华连接学院的一名学生说 学习教练. “I am able to schedule LiveLesson® sessions, therapies, and all other functions around each other. 灵活的日程安排让一切都变得简单.”

2. 灵活的学习环境

Students that have conditions requiring longer hospital stays or frequent medical treatments can also learn from anywhere so they don’t fall behind—they just need a Wi-Fi connection. 

“By empowering my child to take control of her schedule and deadlines, 她不仅能够按时完成作业, 她也能够出类拔萃, 现在即将以优异的成绩毕业,” 推荐正规买球平台的家长.

3. 减少分心和社会压力

拥挤的走廊、餐厅和教室可能会让人不堪重负. Online school removes many of the social barriers that distract students with disabilities or other challenges so they can focus on their coursework and academic progress. Removing the social pressures that lead to anxiety, depression, or 其他心理健康问题 帮助学生提高整体幸福感. 虽然虚拟学校消除了社会压力, students with disabilities do have the opportunity to participate with their peers in LiveLessons as well as join different clubs and activities.

“Our daughter has social anxiety and moving to a large middle school would have become a problem for her. We registered her for Arkansas 推荐正规买球平台 in the fifth grade. 她现在上高中了,仍然很好。 梅丽莎·C.、学习教练 阿肯色连接学院.

4. 安全的学习空间

在线学校通常在学生家中进行, which already has everything a student needs for their condition. Students can navigate their home environment easily and find the things they need quickly. 对于需要安静空间的学生来说 冷静下来,重新集中注意力在美国,在家学习可以随时提供这种能力.

“作为一名学习教练,我不必事无巨细地管理我的儿子. He has his own learning space where he can doodle or step away to refocus and regroup when needed, 然后,当他精神焕发时,他就可以回来学习了,”他说。 南卡罗来纳连接学院学习教练.

5. 适应性学习环境

在线学校在很大程度上是按照学生自己的节奏完成的, which gives them the opportunity to spend more time on lessons or schoolwork when needed. Students who have trouble staying focused can benefit from watching a recorded lesson more than once to ensure they absorb all the facts. 

Students can meet with their teachers one-on-one to talk through any issues or concerns and to answer questions to support their progress. 

另一个连接学院的家长 患有脑瘫的孩子 noted that “[推荐正规买球平台 is] very much work-at-your-own-pace. 我不会强迫我的女儿. 我们不必在一天内做完所有的事情. 如果对她没有好处,我们就不提前工作.”

An online school student uses adaptive learning techniques to work on an art project.
E-guide for 推荐正规买球平台 with a green background and a graphic of a laptop with the purple eGuide.



探索参加连接学院的好处, a tuition-free, accredited online public school that’s passionate about helping your child thrive.  


