Maintaining a Summer Routine for 中学ers

A student takes notes to plan their day.

而大多数十几岁前和十几岁的孩子都期待着暑假,因为暑假没有课和作业, it’s important not to completely forego a daily routine during the summer.

During long breaks away from active learning, students are at risk of what has become known as the "summer slide.一项研究发现,暑假期间,学生们的数学成绩平均下降了27%,阅读成绩平均下降了20%. 但是你可以 proactive steps to prevent summer learning loss 通过学习活动和帮助你的学生在整个夏天建立和维持一个常规.

How Can a Summer Schedule for 中学ers Help?

Kids benefit from a predictable routine. While it’s exciting to enjoy the freedom from daily classes, it’s still essential for your teen to get at least 9小时的睡眠比如,吃全面的食物,设定目标,每天锻炼,从无用的屏幕时间中休息一下.


Implementing a routine with a few hours of screen-free time before bed can help your student get at least 保证9小时的睡眠. 虽然他们可能不需要每天早上在固定的时间起床去学校,但它仍然是 helpful for teens to start their mornings and go to bed at around the same time each day. 

Avoid Unproductive Screentime

Screentime can be a powerful tool for researching topics of interest, finding community events, 和更多的. 然而, 非生产性screentime, such as time spent mindlessly scrolling social media, 在很大程度上对学生没有帮助,而且会很快占据一整天. 学习如何自我调节无效的屏幕时间——或者任何一般的无效习惯——对任何人来说都是棘手的, 但是通过创建和保持一个常规可以更好地帮助学生专注于他们的暑期目标.

Physical and Mental Health

Creating a predictable routine for meals and snacks can help your child 保持健康饮食 and get all the nutrients their growing body needs. 一个一致的时间表可以帮助你的孩子每天吃三顿丰盛的饭.

你的夏季日常计划还应该包括体育活动和户外活动的计划. 日常锻炼 benefits all parts of your child’s body, including their mental health.

Be Ready to Return to School in the Fall

为学生创造机会继续运用他们在课堂上学到的知识,可以帮助他们在秋季更自信地重返课堂. 而不是让你的孩子阅读教科书或学习特定的主题, look for real-world activities that keep their minds engaged. Students can participate in fun activities, like reading their favorite book series, researching topics that interest them, 做饭, 和更多的.

How to Create a Daily Summer Schedule for Teens

为你的孩子制定一个暑期计划不需要成为你要管理的另一件苦差事. With some upfront consideration, 你们可以一起创造一个对他们来说既有趣又有益的日常活动.


Work together to set goals. What does your child want to accomplish this summer? They might want to participate in an organized sport, get through a book series, 完成一个艺术项目, 或者训练5公里. 允许你的中学生设定自己的目标将帮助他们更多地投入到新的日常生活中,当他们回到学校的时候,给他们一个值得骄傲的成就.


Most parents dread hearing “I’m bored!” on a loop throughout the summer. 确保你的孩子有机会参加各种各样的活动,让他们保持专注. Your child might appreciate a list of activities posted somewhere, 像冰箱一样, that they can reference any time they start getting bored.


对于一些青少年来说, 游戏化 是否有一种有效的方法可以帮助他们坚持短期和长期目标,并使日常生活中不那么令人兴奋的部分变得更有趣.

或者你可以在白板上创建一个可视化的时间表,用磁铁代表你的孩子. 随着一天的进展,他们可以把磁铁移到时间表的后面. If your student is goal-oriented, 他们可能喜欢在夏天完成目标的每一步都检查一下.


你不需要把孩子暑假的每一分钟都安排到分分秒秒. 而不是, after setting goals for the summer, 共同努力,将他们的目标和日常义务分解成更小的步骤,这样他们就可以衡量自己的进步. If your student wants to work their way up to training for a 5k, 例如, 你可以设定一个目标,每周逐步跑更远的距离, building up to 5 kilometers.


When creating a daily list of summer activity ideas for teens, 记住,你的孩子不需要整个夏天都在学习练习本,以避免夏季学习损失. 而不是, 有很多方法可以让他们保持健康和忙碌,同时还能最大限度地利用他们的夏天.

Tackle a Summer 阅读 Challenge

热心的读者可能会喜欢去当地的图书馆,从他们的夏季阅读清单中挑选一些书. 这 中学 Summer 阅读 List is a great place to start, 但是你总是可以鼓励你的孩子去找符合他们兴趣的书.

最好是给你的孩子找一本他们会喜欢读的书, than to force them to read books that don’t engage their interests.


如果你的孩子的朋友或家人住在全国各地(甚至住在城市的另一边),写信是一种有趣的方式,既能保持联系,又能锻炼他们的写作和阅读技能. In today’s digital age of instant gratification, it can be exciting to wait patiently to be surprised by snail mail!


Serotonin, known as the feel-good hormone, is released in the presence of sunlight. 花时间在户外, your teen can improve their mental health, reduce the impacts of depression, 感觉更平静.

Gardening is a fun way for teens to spend time outside, while learning about science and growing their own food.


Physical activity helps teens in all 他们的健康状况心理健康、心血管健康、骨骼强度、血压等等. 此外,这是一个有趣的方式,让你的孩子保持忙碌,并与他们的朋友联系. 你的孩子可以以任何他们觉得有趣的方式活跃起来——运动也是青少年寻求社交的一个很好的选择.

额外的好处是:你的中学生可以通过出去散步来完成他们的两项任务, 慢跑, 或者做一项运动!

Summer Daily Schedule Ideas

你如何安排孩子的暑期计划取决于他们的目标和你的家庭. 把时间表打印出来或写在白板上可以帮助你的学生知道他们应该什么时候做什么活动. 设定具体的时间目标(比如每天至少阅读一个小时)是有帮助的,但不是每一刻都需要安排. 而不是, 让你的学生每隔几个小时按照自己的节奏完成一些任务. 还记得, 这样做的目的不是让他们忙得不可开交,而是让他们充分利用暑假.

When a goal is identified, 写下来, and displayed somewhere visible, it is more likely to be accomplished.


9:00 AM

安静/一系列远离屏幕时间/ Journaling

11:00 AM 锻炼
12:00 PM 午餐
2:00 PM 练习钢琴
3:00 PM 放松
5:00 PM 晚餐
8:00 PM 阅读
11:00 PM



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Explore the benefits of attending Connections Academy这是一所免费的,经过认证的在线公立学校,致力于帮助您的孩子茁壮成长.  


