Help Kids Celebrate and Appreciate Poetry

5 min to read
A high school student reading a poetry book

Poetry is a great way to get students to play with language, structure, and punctuation. Poetry doesn’t have to be intimidating; rather, it can be a way for students to have fun! 

这里有一些方法可以鼓励你的学生探索诗歌,以及一些如何为孩子写诗的指导方针. But first, what makes something a poem?

What’s the Difference Between Poetry and Prose?

In general, poetry 单词和标点的组合(或者故意不使用标点)能传达一种感觉吗, image, or moment. 

Poetry is different than other kinds of writing, 因为诗歌的很大一部分是由单词的节奏来定义的. 诗人可以用诗节来组织他们的诗,并使用特定的格律和押韵方案 free verse. 尽管如此,诗歌的一个关键元素是单词的声音. 诗歌可以被认为是语言艺术的音乐. In contrast, narrative prose 侧重于情节和人物,虽然形式当然可以是散文的一部分.

Benefits of Poetry for Kids

创作、阅读、学习和听诗可以帮助学生加强他们的能力 verbal-linguistic intelligence这是指使用和理解书面语言和口语的能力.

诗歌还可以帮助学生探索各种单词组合的不同可能性, punctuation uses, connotations, syllables, meters, structures, and more. Words can be fun, 孩子们可以用他们的创造力和想象力来写他们自己的诗,玩语言的可能性.

How to Help Kids Write Poetry

Poetry can come in many various types and genres. 这里有一些不同类型的儿童诗歌和一些儿童诗歌的例子.

Poetry Activities for Levels K-2

At these ages, kids are just starting to learn about words, 因此,创作一首离合诗可以成为幼儿进入诗歌世界的一个有趣的入口. 

要写一首离合诗,就要竖着写. 这个垂直单词的每一个字母都是诗中推荐正规买球平台这个垂直单词的横行的开头. 

Here is an example:

Cuddly and fluffy

Always ready to play

The best friend to have

Poetry Activities for Grades 3-5 

三年级到五年级的学生能够理解大量的单词,并准备好玩发音, rhythms, and feelings that words can create.  

To start writing a rhyming poem, 指导你的学生让每一行的最后一个单词押韵,并且包含相同数量的音节. 


Limericks are structured poems, five lines long, 它遵循一个简单的押韵和音节模式,经常讲述一个有趣的故事. 

The first, second, 第五行是八个音节,每一行的最后几个字都押韵. 第三行和第四行是五个音节,彼此独特地押韵,被称为对联. 

Here’s an example:

There once was a funny old bird

Who'd nearly repeat any word.

Though he'd sing quite strong,

the lyrics were wrong,

because every song he misheard.

To keep track of the syllables, 当你和你的学生大声念单词的时候,试着跟着每个音拍手. 

Poetry Activities for Grades 6-8

歌词是一种诗歌,孩子们可以尝试自己创作. 鼓励你的学生根据他们最喜欢的歌曲的曲调重写歌词. How would they change the theme of the lyrics? 他们会让歌词比现在的歌词更快乐吗? Or sadder? 他们怎么能用不同的方式让歌词押韵呢? 他们怎么写歌词来反映他们生活中的一些事情呢?

鼓励他们注意歌曲当前的韵律. Are there any imperfect or slant rhymes? How do they affect the song?

 An online school student studies poetry for kids.

Poetry Activities for Grades 9-12

这些年龄段的学生已经准备好深入挖掘其内涵, symbolism, and imagery in poems. 这种类型的诗歌分析可以帮助他们练习 critical thinking skills

帮助你的学生挑选一首他们感兴趣的诗, 也许是一个与学生的爱好或学术兴趣有关的. 然后,让他们用以下的诗歌分析来分析这首诗.

  1. Read the poem silently all the way through.
  2. Read the poem out loud.
  3. Look for any rhyming pattern. 如果有一个模式,那么把它写出来(或“映射”).
  4. 通过寻找重读音节和非重读音节来寻找诗歌中的任何韵律.
  5. 确定诗歌的结构(如节,每节的行数,断行等).).
  6. 确定诗歌的形式,即诗歌的类型.
  7. 看诗中的单词,找出其中的内涵、意象、象征意义等.
  8. Identify the poem’s theme(s).
  9. 描述说话人看起来是什么样的人.
  10. 用他们自己的话,解释他们认为每一行诗的意思. Why did the author choose the words they did?

诗歌可以是孩子们自由和创造性的出口. Also, 诗歌可以鼓励学生在练习批判性思维技能的同时进行语言实验和游戏. Whatever age your child is, 这总是一个鼓励他们去探索的好时机, read, listen to, and write their own poetry.


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